Sunday, January 31, 2010

Avon Walk in Santa Barbara

OK, so since *none* of my close friends and family opted to do the walk with me, I'll be joining my good friend from up on Morrow Bay on the Avon Breast Cancer walk in September. We'll be walking 40 miles through the town of Santa Barbara! A somewhat smaller version of the 3Day, this should be a little more feasible for me to prepare for - which means hours and hours of walking no matter what. :)

Looking forward to it, and I'll be hitting every single one of you up for a donation once my donation page is up and running. :)

The Nasty Human Element

It's been a tough few weeks at work, I won't even sugarcoat it. It's not the long hours, necessarily, or the long days, even. It's the godforsaken human element associated with my profession. I feel I'm seeing a major decline in the quality of people and it's scary.

Let's see... was it the sweet little beagle missing half her hair, with a bloated abdomen and so skinny that I could palpate her entire pelvis? Was it seeing that or was it having to talk to the idiot owner who only brought her to see me because animal control made him do it? And then he had the nerve to give me attitude? Or the fact that I told him she was sick and needed tests and he said he only brought money for the office call and refused any treatment?

Or was it the next neglect case, a 13 year old Pit Bull mama who just had her last litter of puppies last year (at 12 years old), was a walking skeleton with severe osteoarthritis, who could barely get around, but when I and animal control told him she wasn't sick and she was normal, the owner accused us of being racist?

Or was it the chihuahua who ate a box of rat bait poison - with a punk ass young owner who walked in the door with an attitude and telling us he had NO money and we'd better "fix his dog now"? Then had the nerve to tell us "we made it all about the money" when we asked him to even come up with part of the payment and we'd spot him the rest?

Or last but not least, the sweetheart doggy with a face so swollen we had to put him on oxygen because he could barely breathe past the swelling and then the owner (stupid, stupid owner) telling me he'd been like that for two days?

I've lost my faith in humanity. Human beings are NOT made in the image of some make believe god; we are parasites and we are nasty. We deserve things like Hanta virus, the Plague, AIDS. I don't even have tolerance anymore when people try to give me some lame ass excuse for giving their pets away - I don't care if you lost your house, couldn't handle motherhood or fatherhood (one that is too common and makes me the most angry - too many lameass parents out there that breed too much - it's how I got our most recent rescue at the hospital), lost your job or whatever. You took on a responsibility so deal with it.

Sometimes I justify euthanasia for one reason and one reason only: to get them the hell away from the human slime that owns them. And don't let people with money fool you; they're the worst and the first to dump their animals. They'll drive up in expensive cars and then tell me they can't afford a simple blood test. So I put their animals to sleep just so they won't suffer at the hands of these kinds of people. And these are the people breeding and shitting out kids every year like it's something special to get knocked up. I literally hate them and wouldn't spit on them if I found them laying on the side of the road.

And for the rest of you punks who neglect and abuse animals, who use them only for breeding to make you money or who don't think their souls mean anything to the myth of a god that you worship - go to hell and die in a fiery car crash. Or, better yet, come see me. I have some pink juice for you. It won't hurt a bit; after all, what's good for your neglected pet is certainly good for you.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The 3 Day, 2010

Should I do it? Should I commit to raising $2300 again, to walking before work and every Sunday and to start long distance walking again? Boy do I want to... Steve says to just do it... but I know that means spending 3-8 (yes, three to eight) hours walking on Sundays coming this fall.

It sure would be nice if someone would commit to it with me. :)

One of My Highlights

Instead of thinking about the sucky parts of 2009, I wanted to post something happy that happened to me in 2009: the purchase of my wonderful spa last May for my 40th bday. :) I have pics and comments about it on Facebook, but not here, so I figured I'd clue the rest of my fan base into where I spend every single evening, relaxing. I am most definitely a Hot Spring Spa Fan!

First, though, a little education: if anyone tells you they have a saltwater spa, give them a totally blank stare and ask them if they even know what that means. Most of them will tell you they run some form of bromine through their system - that can be achieved by adding the chemicals or with a system that recycles the bromine (known as a bromine generator). Either way, bromine and chlorine are both halogen salts and anyone with even a bit of brain matter should know this. It annoys me to NO end when someone smugly says, "oh I have a saltwater spa!" and they really don't have a clue about the periodic table. Some people will even add a bag of sea salt to their spa and use current to separate the chlorine from the sodium - NaCl! Either way you look at it, you're probably using either bromine salt or chlorine salt, unless you're using one of the newer systems like Baquaspa, which is neither! There are generators out there that generate one of these sanitizers but you still have to maintain water quality, you still have to change the water periodically and you still have to monitor it closely! Anybody who says they have such a great sanitizing system that enables them to go a year without changing their water - EEWW! I do NOT recommend you get into their spa because that means it's filthy on a microscopic level!

Anyway, bromine is easier on your skin than chlorine. In fact, we decided on our spa type and after TONS of research and recommendations, decided on the Brilliance System. I love the way my skin feels after getting out of the spa, how it smells - just everything about it. We decided against a bromine generator because, well, it's just not worth the expense!

SO - if anyone I know is contemplating a spa purchase, talk to me first!

OK so now that the educational part of this series is over, here's the fun part:

It comfortably seats 7 people, and I can stretch out across the whole thing and barely touch the sides! (not the case for my 6'1 hubby) It has a zillion jets that you can adjust 6 different ways, some funky 70s-like lights and well, it's just the best.

Oh, and if you DO get a spa, you MUST get a lift for the cover. I can take the cover off and put it back on with little effort - a must, because those covers are freaking heavy! And the LAST thing you want to do is have to lift it after getting all relaxed!

I couldn't write this post without thanking my loving husband for being In Charge of the Spa. I love it because he's so darned particular and wants his water perfect at all times, so our spa water ROCKS!

It's one of the best purchases we ever made.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Unbelievable View

So just as I'm wondering why in the hell I'm still in this desert, I look out the back over the pool to this unbelievably magnificent view and am reminded of why I'm a desert rat in the first place.

All of these pics were taken off my back patio, by the pool. It looked like the sky was on fire!

I do love the desert even though I also miss the rain and green of the south.

**Note: I was not bitten by any mosquitoes when I took these pictures. :)