Thursday, October 29, 2009

An Unbelievable Stereotype

Last Saturday as Steve and I were enjoying our more-often-than-not Korean BBQ lunch after work, we witnessed something that definitely caused "are you shitting me?" to come out of both of our mouths.

Our favorite restaurant has a huge parking lot. We noticed this truck drive through the lot, circle around again, then settle at the farthest end of the lot. There were 4-5 men in this truck. 3 of them got out, and started walking towards the restaurant. OK, actually, they were walking towards our new car, and in our egocentric mind, we thought they were going to steal it. That was short lived as they walked right past it. :)

They got closer and closer to the restaurant. I saw that one of the guys pulled out a huge knife - like, a huge butcher knife. I sort of yelled out, "He's got a knife!" I honestly thought they were about to jump someone, rob someone or get into some sort of altercation. I got scared about what I was about to witness!

But they didn't.

Since you cannot fathom the stupidity and audacity of idiots like this, Steve and I looked at each other and said, "Maybe they're the landscapers?" The reason we thought this was because right at that moment, these 3 men stopped in front of the 6 foot tall beautiful cactus that was growing right outside the window of this restaurant and started hacking off the leaves. Now mind you, these cactus are owned by the business, are very large and gorgeous. They can also be eaten but it was not a public garden free-for-all.

It was at that moment when we both realized they weren't the landscapers - they were actually stealing the darned cactus! Chopping down someone else's property, right there in broad daylight, for all of us in the restaurant to witness.

So Steve jumped up to tell the restaurant owners, who then ran outside and got into a screaming match with these guys. We were all watching from inside, waiting and worrying that something bad would happen. Those guys had big knives.

Then, as if it wasn't expected, the owners called the cops and the 3 guys took off running. Their getaway truck also left them! One of the owners took off running after one of the guys and at that point, Steve ran outside, got into our truck and went after them, too. Thank goodness - the owners are women and we were worried they'd get hurt.

In the end, Steve and the owner found the truck parked down the road, got the license plate and gave it to the cops, who then caught the guys in the truck. We don't know what happened to the rest of them, but we hope that they got into some sort of trouble for... um, stealing? Damaging private property? Who knows.

So yes, "are you shitting me?" was definitely coming out of our mouths because we just could not believe what we saw. The crooks told the owners of the restaurant that they were stealing the cactus to eat - why? Because they were too freaking cheap or lazy to pay $1 for a bag of nopales at the local grocery store? They weren't starving - they were far from skinny and they drove a pretty big, nice truck.

It's these kinds of changes to our society - the blatant lack of respect for other's property, the common sense when it comes to simple kindness and appreciation for beauty of nature - that is causing me to dislike this country even more. The fact that there was no conscience in this situation made me want to vomit.

I don't want to live in a trash dump where stupid people who breed just take whatever they want, whenever they want.

Do you?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Fun

One of my awesome girls at work organized our First Annual Halloween Extravaganza this past weekend and boy was it fun! We laughed, talked, got to know each other, mets parents and siblings, ate great food and of course, carved pumpkins. I had to admit that it was my first - yes, my first - time to ever carve a darned pumpkin. I was a pumpkin carving virgin! But I have since become enlightened and learned how my, um, surgical skills, can serve me in the world of tedious crafting as well.

Of course I had to pick a stupid pattern that took longer than almost anyone else, just because I thought it looked cool. But it came out great!

And, yes, my big teddy bear husband carved his own pumpkin and did so with flying colors.

So of course, we also had to have a pic of the whole bunch, which I thought was too cool!

Steve's is the one with the huge eyes right below mine.

So much positivity in my life, so much to appreciate and adore... I just can't complain. :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Just had to mention...

It's kind weird for me to think of Steve's kids as step kids, esp. since they are (for the most part) grown ups and adults. But his daughter Nicole said something to me the other day that made me so happy and proud... if I could have had a kid, it would have been her.

Nicole had her little boy during her last year of pharmacy school. On her way to becoming a doctor and a little surprise came along. She still finished school with flying colors and is doing great. Now she's a single mom with a new house and a beautiful baby and a career that is about to take off. And she's only 28.

She mentioned that the reason she chose education and a career was so she could take care of herself and her children on her own, no matter what.

It's what I've preached for years, except I haven't known Nicole long enough to have influenced her thought in that direction. No, that would be the work of her mom and dad. But they did a great job.

And she proved that I am not the only one who feels that way - that education and the ability to take care of yourself and your children on your own is so important. It's not because we are negative or that we don't believe that it should be within the family realm with a mommy and a daddy, but because it's the right way to be.... if you can't even support yourself or take care of yourself, or if you've never even lived on your own and done those exact things, how on earth is it that you think you're going to be the best parent ever? You can't teach your kids what you don't know yourself.

Congrats, Nicole. I'm so proud of you.

No Donations Please

I realized that my mindset truly is changing when I got my annual request for a donation to NARAL (Pro Choice Group) this past week. I looked at it, almost grabbed my checkbook... and then realized I didn't want to donate anymore. Not because I can't, but because I won't.

It's not my battle anymore.

Best of luck to the younger generation on keeping your rights as women, esp. with a growing movement to ban abortion even in cases of rape or incest. It's easy to support that until it's your daughter. But most of all, good luck to your daughters who will be the ones who pay for your apathy.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

New Ride

Most people who know me, know I'm not a big fan of cars. In fact, I usually become physically ill when buying a new car. There's just something about throwing that much money down the tubes that really gets to me. Everyone knows that a car is the worst investment in the world, as it depreciates the second you drive it off the lot.

But, my old Rodeo was finally getting tired. She was 7 years old and the first car I ever bought right out of vet school. The transmission and brakes were starting to wear... and it was time to start thinking about a new car. And, on the day we made the decision to actually buy a new one, the heater went out. It was a sign from above.

It took me weeks - I mean, WEEKS - just to find one I liked. It made Steve crazy. I looked at cheap cars, luxury cars, hybrids, SUVs, trucks... I just haven't been impressed by many. I test drove a Honda Insight, a Nissan Rogue, a fancy schmancy Honda S 2000; I dreamed of a Pontiac Solstice until I drove one. I looked at luxury SUVs - I used to really like the Infinity FX but now I think they are the ugliest cars on the road AND a waste of money (they look like ugly little VW Bug wannabes - no offense to people who drive them. What did they do to that car?? I used to love - or did my tastes just change?) and there was no way I was going to pay $50K for a piece of crap car. That includes the BMW and Lexus also.

I considered American Made but my god, they are ridiculously expensive for what you get! So then I kept thinking I'd just go cheap and get a little Kia Sportage 4WD just to have something I could drive around town but still have 4WD for when we go to Yosemite or the desert or whatever. But just to get what I'd want, I'd still have spent almost $30K! I was becoming disheartened.

I also considered just fixing the darned Rodeo and to hell with the car dealerships.

Then I drove a Nissan Xterra. I really liked it! It was beefy and tall and drove like a dream. So after a while, I decided that's what I'd like to get - the price was right, it came in 4WD and it was a nice car.

Except.... then we discovered we couldn't find one. Oh yes, there are many Xterras out there, but they are all 4x2s! And the FEW 4WDs that we could find were in the base models! Hello, I'd like to have a FEW nice things if I'm going to fork over a bunch of money.

Steve and I searched dealerships all over SoCal for a few weeks and FINALLY found one in Redlands. Yes, over an hour away. The only problem was that it was the Off Road version and I wasn't so sure about that. In my mind we were originally getting the SE in 4WD. BUT - after more research, we found out the Off Road had some features we really liked, and it also just so happened that this particular one had a few extras and it came in white - the color I like.

So off went went! It's amazing how easy it is to buy a car when you're 1.) a small business owner and 2.) have a credit score that is sky high. The entire deal was done in an hour. Signed, sealed and delivered.

Now if Steve and I could just stop bartering for who gets to drive the car next... :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Lighter Side

On a lighter note, we'll be home this evening so we can watch the LSU vs FL football game. Cooking shrimp gumbo and hot wings and enjoying a fall evening by the tube!

I've been a jogger all of my life but I have times when I just get away from it for a while. I tend to hurt myself when I start back into it, so this time I decided to follow the couch-to-5K plan and see if my knee holds up better. It takes 8-9 weeks but they guarantee you'll be running 3 miles at a time, a few times a week by the time you finish. We'll see. I just finished the first week and it was super easy and so far, no knee pain!

Going to Mitchell Caverns tomorrow - never been so should be great fun! They're some cool caverns where you'd never expect caverns to be - out in the middle of the Mojave Preserve. Yeah!

Steve is working on his PADI certification so we can SCUBA dive together! I'm soooo excited about that... diving has been a big passion of mine for 20 years and I'm absolutely thrilled to finally be married to someone who will dive with me!

I found out yesterday that our local Humane Society nominated me for an award - I'll be named Veterinarian of the Year for our small town! It's not that big of a deal, but I'll get an announcement and a fancy schmancy award at a banquet dinner coming up. Exciting. :)

The prison dog training program is in gear, and I should get to go on my first visit soon. I'm so excited to participate in the education of these people who just have the wrong ideas and the wrong education about pets. THAT will be a first for me and should prove to be rewarding and interesting. Hope there isn't a riot that day. :)

Otherwise just getting ready for our vacation. Leaving Nov. 26 and already have trips to Catalina lined up, a Kathy Griffen show, friends staying with us at the timeshare for a few days, etc. Then off to Mexico for several days of R&R and diving. Yeah!

We're planning to fry a turkey for Thanksgiving so anybody who wants to show up, feel free. :)

The Catholic Joke

I've been feeling especially political lately, despite my attempts to let it go and just watch the world pass me by while I live out my life. But I read an article yesterday that set me on fire again, as it pertains directly to the last blog I wrote.

The article was about some catholic bishops who were lobbying the government, saying that they were threatening to pull their support for the health care bill unless the parts about abortion were removed. Seems the pedophiles want the health care bill to pass only if it denies abortion to women. All abortion. Even in the case of rape or incest. WHAT???

Um, excuse me? Did I hear you right? Not only do you bunch of creeps who rape children because oh, let's see... masturbation and sex with women is forbidden... you can't be normal men in any other direction so you prey on the weak... now you want to act like you have a SAY in something as important as health care? Go show your face in your NAMBLA groups so we can arrest you, please.

Yeah, this is exactly what I was talking about in my last blog. THESE THINGS ARE HAPPENING.

Another VERY important aspect of this? THE CHURCH IS TAX EXEMPT. Yes, many of you do not even know that, but the good ol' churches out there do not pay taxes. That was *supposed* to be because there was a separation of church and state in this country, guaranteed by our constitution. But now it seems all these religious nutbags wanna have it both ways.

They want nothing more than to have women stay in their petty little roles of male subservience and to have no access to birth control. Yes, women in their world (because, remember, they don't fuck women, they fuck little kids) are nothing more than broodmares.

Suffice it to say I have extreme hatred and distrust of ALL of catholicism. It's usually that the few ruin it for the many, but in the case of that religioun, the many ruin it for the few. That is one corrupt, disgusting, fucked up group of nasty old men trying to judge others and tell them how to live their lives. And people fall for it!

So as I said before, if the next generation doesn't get these things, people like those Bishops will get their way and rights will erode. When the church gets into the debate on health care and their one goal - their one goal - is to make abortion illegal and unattainable, then the premises of freedom for women will be gone. There is a reason why it's one of the longest and largest debates of this country. And believe me, your birth control pills will be next.

And I'll be sitting on my ranch in Colorado sipping coffee from the porch and laughing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Evolution of an Activist

Every so often in life you find yourself at the crossroads of sudden change: it might be something simple, like all of a sudden you like sushi when you would never have touched it before. Maybe you'll decide to have a baby. Or, maybe it's something much more in depth, like a divorce... either way, it'll be a change of direction from which you cannot return, and making that choice could be funny and easy or it could be life threatening and huge.

I'm feeling the winds of change in my life recently and it's scary for me. But I think I'm welcoming it in a big way.

I've always been the activist in my family. Hippie-esque, somewhat green and granola, always fighting for someone else's plight, even if sometimes it's only in my mind. I've been confrontational for most of my life and have always welcomed any argument where good debate and intelligent conversation could overrule being angry.

I've been a member of NOW, NARAL, League of Women's Voters, the Democratic Party; I've read books written by my heroes and I've read the books by those I despise just so I'd understand their point of view (like stupid IDIOTS like Laura Schlessinger, Rush Limbaugh) I've stood up for and argued for Women's Rights, Abortion Rights, and education for little girls. I am a member of the ACLU. I believe birth control for ALL WOMEN should be a RIGHT and abortion should be accessible and PRIVATE. I do not believe the stupid fucking bible belongs in any woman's bedroom unless she WANTS it there.

Yes I am a liberal. A MODERATE liberal. I do not believe in gun control because I would shoot any asshole who comes into my house unannounced and try for his head cause I don't want him walking back out and getting away.

But, I'm getting older. I'm finding that the things I've always stood for - and my integrity is intact because if I believe in something, I will stand by my belief no matter what as compared to many people who don't even have true beliefs - but what I've found, unfortunately, is that I have been fighting battles for others who simply do not give a shit.

I've preached about the importance of women getting an education my whole life, but now I find that the next generation is, for the most part, stupid. They want to shit out babies like candy instead of opening their eyes, limiting their family size, educating themselves and making themselves better people, better citizens and above all, better PARENTS. Childbearing is an impulse decision nowadays, just like everything else in this society. It's a "want" and not a "need". They look for Prince Charming to make their dreams come true and think the life they have now will look the same in 10 years. There is NO concept of the fact that what they have now - the ability to vote, the ability to have a voice, the ability to CHOOSE to have kids - is a direct result of generations fighting for those exact rights and choices. These women do not go to college, they do not vote, they do not stand for anything. They resent feminism as if it's something to hate instead of embracing it and realizing the only reason they are where they are now by choice is directly because of feminism. It's a disgrace to those who went before us.

They have NO understanding of the concept that - ignorance about history condemns those to repeat it - which means there is a huge chance that their daughters will lose their rights some day. And they won't be able to stop it because they were too busy not caring when they should have been continuing the fight.

It just makes more sense to me to fight for your kids, if nothing else. Hell, if I had kids, I'd be a HUGE activist! I'd be fighting for women's rights so I could make sure my daughter had access to higher education; I'd be fighting for abortion rights so my daughter would always have privacy and the ability to make decisions about her own body (whether I agree with abortion or not!) I'd be GREEN and drive cars that don't use any gas so I could contribute to THEIR future world, and above all I'd make sure I could practice what I preach, which means education.

There was a time in my life when I was planning to have kids. And I REFUSED to have Disney in my house! My kids would NOT have watched that crap. Disney teaches little girls about fairy tales and saviors but does not teach them about respect, independence and education. I still feel that way today. THINK about the messages their impressionable little minds are receiving!!!

It makes me sad, but as I said... I'm sick of fighting for it. I don't care anymore. Hell, I don't even have any kids!! So these women are on their own now - and oh yes they are losing their voice because I am not the only one who feels this way - and they will get the life they deserve. It makes me very sad, but it is what it is.

I probably SHOULD have had a kid so I could help dilute out all of the ignorance being bred out there! Ahhh, well.... the dumbing down of America is a proven fact and it's becoming more and more evident every day. I can't stop it. But I also refuse to care anymore.

So my point is that I am becoming more conservative and less caring about these things because I am simply sick and tired of fighting for people who just don't care to fight for themselves.

They absolutely 100% deserve the world they will get.

And you know what? I'll be retired and settled and won't have to worry about anyone else and I'll like it that way. I'm going to move to Idaho with my husband, buy a gas-guzzling vehicle instead of an electric car, use as much water as I want, won't care about the amount of hormones in my food, won't send money into organizations that keep fighting our current government in attempts to keep our rights intact. (doubt that? The Patriot Act is a direct violation of our constitution) I even turned down a call this week from my annual NARAL group - I won't even support them anymore, despite being so strongly pro-choice that it makes some people puke.

It makes me sad to think this way, but women today don't drive electric cars, they don't conserve water, they don't fight to keep their rights.... so why should I? I can't care more about their kid's future than they do.

I'm off to enjoy my new gas guzzler, water my grass in the desert and I'm having some beef for dinner from cows that were fed too many hormones.

But at least I understand where those choices are taking America. And I'll be gone when the next generation realizes their loss.

P.S. I have to add how PROUD I am of my niece who, while I know she has baby fever badly and wants kids... is finishing her RN degree soon! She listened. I guess her mom's and my prodding over the years about educating yourself BEFORE having kids sunk in. She'll be highlighted soon in my Ode to My Beautiful Women blogs. :)