Sunday, August 16, 2009

A REAL vacation

It took a while to make final decisions, but after spending the first year and a half of practice ownership without any real time off, Steve and I decided to take a real vacation. It started with planning for our annual Laguna Beach week off (at our timeshare) where my friend (a veterinarian) covers for me at the hospital. Then we realized that my friend, who is a full time relief doctor, might want to cover for two weeks instead of just one, since she comes down from the central coast for us. Heck, it's also right before Christmas, and that would give her a pocketful of change to spend! So we asked her, she agreed, and we extended our vacation for another week.

We'll be celebrating our 1 year anniversary. :)

So we'll be closing the hospital on Nov. 26 and will be closed through that weekend (we committed to do doing that when we hit the ground running, haven't looked back, and never regret it! It's a great holiday mental break for us and the staff and as we all know, a happy staff is a happy hospital). Of course in typical Deb & Steve fashion, we'll probably take off Wed. night and start the vacation early. :) But, either way, we'll head to Laguna that Friday like we always do, for a full week. Then on Fri, Dec. 4, we hop a flight to Mexico for 8 days. Don't come back till late at night on the 12th, and don't have to be back at work until the following Tuesday.

So it's nearly 3 full weeks off!!! I admit, I'm a bit scared (read: terrified as shit) to be gone for that long, esp. with a small business and this economy. But, we kinda figure that if we're going to crash and burn (something we are not even in the same universe of doing) then we'll go out with a bang. :)

I've never had this much time off, ever, in my whole life, that revolved around a vacation! Or, at least, not since I had summers off.... :)

Will be a fab time, we booked a luxury suite with a rooftop terrace and private outdoor jacuzzi. Can't go too many days without a spa, you know. :)

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