Saturday, August 29, 2009

Child Free Revisited

I'm posting this blog again (from Myspace) because I had a conversation with a friend this week about kids and it made me think about it. He is 61 years old and he and his wife chose many years ago not to have them - his belief, based on a lifetime of traveling the world and experiencing life in a manner that very few will shadow, is that the overpopulation of the world is one of the baselines for all of the societal ills that plague us, and the current situation of the U.S. is that *no one* stops and thinks about this before having more than one kid. We do it because we can and because we want to fill some selfish, inner void instead of using education, self-discovery and self-improvement to fullful ourselves. Either way, he's childfree, someone I very much admire, and WE AGREE.

I've definitely chilled on worrying about it. I'm 40 now, not having any kids, and I'm still thrilled about it to this day. Again, mommies just never seem happy to me, despite their repeated attempts to convince me that *it's the greatest thing ever*.

So here's the old post:

Everyone who knows me knows I have been struggling with the decision to have a kid or not. I think I've about decided NOT to do it. Sure, my body is telling me "Idiot! You're running out of time! You'd better do it now!" but my mind just isn't there. I love my solitude. I love being spontaneous. And I LOVE that a lot of people I know who have kids, are finished raising them and are joining me in the ranks of freedom once again. (i.e. they had their kids in their early twenties)

I've talked to at least 10 people in the last several months about the whole thing and I've met several women who, like me, choose to be Child Free. (I LOVE that term!) I have a very deep suspicion that there is a big secret kept by those with kids that having them isn't necessarily as great as it's made out to be. I RARELY hear how great the whole experience has been... more often than not, what I hear is "well, I'm glad I had him/her, but I sure am glad he's/she's grown now and I'm done! Life is all about me now!" I'm not kidding. I can't count the people I know who stopped at one and say that they love their kid but if they could do it all over again... NOT.

Which leads me to my theory about having kids in your twenties - much smarter than waiting because, hey, in my book, ignorance is bliss. You'll never know what you're missing out on if you have them when you're young! Wait until you're thirty-something like me, and you start to see that decision in a whole new light. So yea, have 'em when you're young and dumb. :)

I remember being 25, young at heart, very much in love with my new husband, and wanting to have kids - badly!! I honestly believe that is biology doing its job - if you didn't feel that way, we may never procreate! But as we got older, our views on that changed. Marriages change. That lusty, powerful, all-encompassing passion you feel early on changes... and then you're stuck with yourself all over again. It happens to everyone, no matter how in love they think they are when they first marry.

I recently read an article in WIRED magazine. They had a survey on things to do to remain happy - and one of the top things to do to keep yourself happy and healthy in life is to NOT have kids! Also, in support of what I said above, stats show that the ones having the kids in the world are in their twenties - we thirty-somethings decide otherwise.

Instead, I think I'm going to own dogs, travel with my friends and family, take LOTS of free solitude time, stay healthy, volunteer for charity and the like.

The idea of having to take care of another human being for something like, 25 years, is just too much for me. Do you realize how expensive college will be by the time they're there???

Nah, I'll keep my retirement and spend it on myself. :)


  1. So, how does adoption fall into that theory? ;)

    As for happy moms . . about this . . . Sadly, there are many people who are unhappy . . .childless or with children, happiness is self manufactured and delivered to the world through our own actions and smiles not from between our legs.

  2. Well RED, if more people adopted, we would have fewer adding to the population problem, now wouldn't we? :) Most people don't WANT to adopt, however, because their ego simply won't allow it. "By god if I'm going to raise a kid it'll be of my own loins!"

    And I agree - but I also think that a lot of people have kids as a sad attempt to make themselves happy but what they end up doing is making a lot more people unhappy. Again, I just don't know that many "happy" moms. They always have this scowl on their face that I just don't understand.

    Either way, it's a personal choice - I just wish more people would think about it before having too many kids. Have one and stop. :) And yes it is true that the more educated of the earth have fewer kids.

    (And Val, you know I love you)

  3. And, if you didn't love me you would once I named my first adopted Debbie Lee!

    I love you too . . . and I love kids. . . I think the young whether they have skin, scales, or fur are absolutely precious! They are life. . .and life is beautiful . . .WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THIS BIT OF INFORMATION! And, so did the beetles whose guts blew out their asses from our mouth-to-mouth!

  4. First, it's sad we are talking through my BLOG. What happened to our Sunday Phone Rule?

    I agree, sister... but it's such a deeper issue with me. More people should adopt instead of just having more babies. I'm always so thankful when people like Jay and Tami have kids because they made a smart, educated decision and didn't do it just because they could!

    And I HATE these so-called christians who don't adopt but instead shit out more and more babies when there are STARVING ones around the globe. It absolutely disgusts me.

    And when are you going to adopt one or have one? Mr. Right is never going to exist. Get off the pot, sister. Just do it. :)
