Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Recent Revelations

I've recently been letting go of some people in my life. It's been one of those cycles where you purge the unwanted and wake up the next day feeling refreshed. I've learned over the years that it's a normal part of life; there are people who stay with you for the entirety, and there are those that exit nearly as soon as they entered. It was a good thing, as I had no respect for these people and I was beginning to realize that my association with them was negative and brought nothing more than chaos to my thoughts. Kinda how I felt when I left my ex. But I digress. Cie la vie.

Lately I've been in the mood to just get rid of things that cause stress for me. That might be people, that might be situations or that might be material things. I've been throwing stuff away, saying goodbye to people I don't like and moving on. It feels really good.

So as I've said for the last several years, the universe always reaches out and takes care of me in subtle ways - but ways that makes me say to myself, "hey, that's an ironic twist, now isn't it?"

I've made some new acquaintances that are very validating to me and my life choices. One is my new friend, A. A career woman, a veterinarian and Child Free. Loves life, owns her own business and is very happy about her decision not to have children. Like me, agrees that the ultimate in selfishness is to have kids in order to fulfill some emptiness within yourself. Can't accuse us of doing that!

Then there is the new blog I follow on here, a veterinarian, a mom, a wife... and happy and successful with all of it. Agnostic and sometimes atheist, she details her exciting life juggling all of these things. I'm pretty sure she's my twin from the milkman and my new obsession is in seeing just what she'll write next. I also love that she is writing a book and belongs to a writing club - something I've never thought about but now that I know about it, plan to pursue. I've started several books in my life and I'm thinking now it's time to start the real book...

The point behind these things is that, for me, these are signs that my life is on the right track, that I've made good decisions and I am not alone in my thoughts or choices. They question things and think on their own, like me.

I guess I am part of a bigger group, after all. The universe handed me these things just as I was beginning to wonder if it was all in my mind.

Anyway, Vet Mom rocks and just makes me laugh, and my new friend, A, gives me hope and support.

Life is not about new chapters; rather, it's about new words written every single day. And you never know what words you'll write when the dawn comes.

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