Thursday, July 30, 2009

This time of year

WHAT is it about it being 100 degrees outside, that makes me think about spending MORE time in the desert?

It seems inevitable that I'll start dreaming about hiking and camping when it's just not feasible. The best times for those things are spring and fall; summer and winter are pretty miserable, so why do these thoughts hit me in July of every single year? Last year we headed for Joshua Tree in September before the heat broke; we hit Tecopa Hot Springs with Bonnie and Donnie and had to run the air conditioners. I really gotta get my chi aligned with the cooler weather. :)

It must be the beauty and the desire to "be out in it."

So I'll be planning the first of several weekends out and about.

This is me at the Hot Springs.

We also decided that we WILL be going to Reggae next year, up in Eureka. My group goes every year and I haven't been since 2006, so it's time. We probably would have gone this year (the festival is this coming weekend) but things just didn't work out that way. So we'll definitely plan for it next year. If anyone is interested in joining us, let me know. :)

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