I promise I will write something positive soon because there are a lot of happy things in my life, but this entry has been stuck in my brain for almost a year now.
Last year while in Laguna Beach, I saw a sign that said, "Your Tax Dollars At Work". It was a sign advertising the work being done in the area, funded by tax money, under the guise of "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act". At first I was pretty happy to see it, till I realized something...
It was in Crystal Cove, CA, nextdoor to Newport Beach. Where the super super rich live and play.
So fast forward to last month when we were in Palm Springs. We came across yet another of these signs and I got to snap a picture of it this time:
Did I say it was in Palm Springs? Another playground for the rich?
Is this where our tax dollars are going? To beautify and improve the places where the rich people live in the country? I don't recall ever seeing one where I live, or in any of the other "non rich" places I've been.
If anybody has, please feel free to let me know, because so far I've only seen them in these areas. The streets by my house could use some work on them - where's my sign and federal dollars?