Friday, March 5, 2010

Pure Kindness

I've commented before on how much my husband spoils me.

I've taken some flack over him, especially from my family, because he's got a colorful past. You can look at it as my divorce in 2007 just created chaos for everyone's emotions and so they reacted to that - change is difficult and everyone was wondering where my head was and why I was doing what I was doing. I was a bit alienated by them and had more than one snippy conversation about where my life was going and why on earth would I make so many changes, including getting married, in such a short amount of time? Well, finding the chopped-off mule deer head in my yard a few months ago is the manifestation of why I decided one morning to make that change. (I know not everyone understands this point; I'll have to explain later) It was simply time. I'm known for that; I can tolerate and tolerate and tolerate, probably more than most, until a breaking point. Once I reach that point, I don't look back.

That's what I did with Steve.

Instead of trusting my judgment, I got flack. But it's ok; I know they were just worried about me.

So I wanted to post yet another example of how, 3 years later, he still spoils the hell out of me. Never mind that I haven't done a load of laundry in weeks; I haven't cleaned the house, put gas in my car or picked up my own prescriptions from the pharmacy. I don't have to worry about details like paying the car note. Our spa is always perfect and ready to use every single day. He pretty much takes care of all of those things for me.

And he does it out of love and friendship.

Did I mention he makes me laugh every single day also?

When I was a vet student, I bought an item off of ebay that I totally loved. It was the veterinary symbol - the V with the snake on it - carved out of a single piece of wood. It's about 2 feet long. Well, when we first bought the practice, it was hanging in the lobby and fell off the wall and broke. I was heartbroken because I loved it so much!

It's been sitting at the house since then. Or so I thought.

Yesterday Steve walked into the lobby with something in his hand - it was my vet sign, completely repaired with a new finish on it!

If I hadn't had a client standing right next to me, I would have burst into tears. I was so appreciative of it - I just stood there looking at Steve, in awe that he is so good at surprising me.

Add this surprise to him planning and executing an entire weekend for us down in Orange county, complete with dinner and show - he's a pretty neato guy.

So having someone treat me like I'm worth something and like I matter... that's why I changed my life 3 years ago.

I hope everyone understands. I definitely traded UP. :)